We hope everyone had a wonderful first week of school, and you only encountered a few speedbumps along the way!
Thanks to all of our families that signed up through our new website to join the PTO. Our raffle winner is Kiko R! It is never too late to join the PTO and we welcome all families to contribute through our Family Sponsorship program.
Drop off and pick up seem to be smoothing out, thank you to everyone for following the procedures correctly! A few reminders as we head into week two:
If you are using the carpool line(s) at drop off or pickup, there should be no parking or getting out of your car while in line. If your kiddos need a little more time to get out of their seat or say goodbye, please park in the neighborhood and walk your child up.
Please make sure you use the cross walks when crossing, especially on Jason Street, we want all of our Jets to get in the building safely!
Friendly reminder that there is no parking or stopping and dropping kids off on Jason Street headed East (school side of the street).
To volunteer with Herod Students on campus and/or attend field trips you must be VIPS approved. This has to be redone each year, there is a link below if you haven't gone through the process yet for this school year. You will also find a link to the Online School Store- any spirit wear purchased online will be delivered to your child's classroom.
As you may have heard, HISD released an updated 2023-2024 calendar, click hereto view.
Sarah Schnure & Ashley McDonough