Upcoming Events

 Full Calendar


Herod Loves its Herod Hero Family Sponsors! 

 The Alonzo Family

The Cope Family

The Finister Family

The Giltner Family
The Kaspar Family

The Lidell Family
The Long Family

The Lovely Family

The Nunez Family
The Shirley Family

The Vijayaraghavan Family
John & Sarah Schnure

Kevin & Hannah Villarreal

Your PTO Dollars at Work!

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New sails on the playground, 2 brand new ice machines in the teacher's lounge & upstairs workroom, a handy rolling cage for playground balls, a gaga pit, privacy fence, new garden fence with cement columns, Toms Traveling Truck, Thanksgiving Appreciation Lunch, field trips, Autism Awareness celebration, eclipse sunglasses for the entire school, staff massages, & teacher appreciation breakfasts & lunches!


Join the JET family!

Our PTO’s mission is to advocate for all our jets and provide  programs that empower our Entire community.




Register for the online directory AND Join the PTO We will keep you in-the-know with weekly newsletters and include your family in the directory. See opportunities to make purchases, volunteer, and access valuable information all in one spot.


Note: You must be logged in to purchase items from the School Store


You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.

 Support our Teachers through Donors Choose!


Current Herod Projects: 

Ms. Harrell :: Staying Healthy and Safe While Learning and Stretching our Brains

Ms. Schwartz :: Spreading Compassion

Ms. Schwartz :: Students Go Wild with STEAM

Ms. Schwartz :: Full STEAM Ahead into Art







Follow us on social media!


Herod Loves its Corporate Sponsors!

A HUGE Thank You to our Corporate Sponsors!

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Your logo could be here. Contact us to be a sponsor!


Get to know Mrs. Abuahmad!


Where do our PTO Funds Go?

Curious about where our PTO funds go? Click "More Information" to find out how donations make a difference!

More Information!