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10/1/2023 4:37 pm

And without further ado....our Herod Hero of the week- Ms. Diaz. She's a Herod institution ya'll. Don't think you can make it down the 4th and 5th grade hall without this dedicated, passionate, caring, Mickey-loving, wonderful educator having some type of positive and lasting impact on your student! She has been loving on, preparing and sending our dual-language (and really all) our Jets off to Middle School for 9 years and we are so beyond lucky to have her call Herod her school home!

Herod PTO LOVES you Ms. Diaz! 


What is your hidden talent? 

I would have to say that it is cooking.  I enjoy cooking and hosting for family events.  Being in the kitchen are some of the best memories with my grandmother and my mom.  Now I am able to make new memories with my children. 


What is your dream vacation? 

Disney World!  I love Mickey Mouse and it will be incredible to be able to be there with my family and make my dream come true. I have dreamt of being in that magical place since I was a child. One day that dream vacation will come true.


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? (Besides donating a portion of it to Herod PTO) 

Buying an acre of land and building a home with a pool.  A place away so that I can read and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. After that organize the money to start a family business that will help my family in the future. 


What Herod teachers class would you like to be a student in for a day? 

Ms. Moses, I think that she makes her classroom feel magical.  I would love to be a second grader in her classroom.


In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted? 

According to the quiz it says Gryffindor.


What is your spirit animal? 

Quiz says Lion 😊 The lion spirit guide represents heart and courage. You're a born leader with a deep sense of passion and righteousness.


Is there a quote or saying you live your life by? 

A quote from me to my students is : I believe in you; YOU just have to believe in yourself!  I have learned that they have to be able to know that they are capable of doing anything in this world.  They just have to believe that they can accomplish it and reach for those stars!  (The reason the nickname for my students Mickey Stars)


What is your favorite Herod memory? 

There are too many that have filled my heart with love!  But I will have to say that seeing my students happy and enjoying their learning time in our classroom.  The project of Inventors for Black History Month.  All of them dressed up and presenting for their parents made my teacher heart full and accomplished.  Seeing them have the confidence to present for a group of people was priceless.