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10/8/2023 4:02 pm

Get to know Mrs. Lutfak!

Our Herod Hero this week comes to us from the famed second grade pod! Mrs. Lutfak!!! If you haven't had the pleasure of getting to know Mrs. Lutfak you are in for a wonderful treat! She not only is an amazing teacher, wonderful mentor and advocate to her students, she also holds the title of Herod's famed baker and Safety Patrol sponsor. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Lutfak holding it down at the top of stairs, we can't imagine a Herod without her! PTO LOVES YOU MRS. LUTFAK!


What is your hidden talent? 

It's not a really hidden talent but I love baking. It calms me down and relaxes me. It's my to go place when I need something to do to decompress.


What is your dream vacation? 

That's so hard. I love to relax, be pampered, and to be waited on (for a change) on the beach. I also like to see new places and explore, especially in Europe. So, any vacation that I can combine these two. I would love to go to Greece and cruise among the different islands, relax on the beach, and explore their history and the beauty of Greece.


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? (Besides donating a portion of it to Herod PTO)

Beside donating to Herod PTO, of course, I'll pay off my daughters' college loans and buy them each a house and build my dream house. It must have a big kitchen, huge dining room, a pool, and enough rooms so my girls can come visit at any time.


What Herod teachers class would you like to be a student in for a day? 

Love all the teachers but there is no way I'm going back to school. It's a hard pass for me.


In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?

Love watching any of the Harry Potter movies and that's where it ends. You should have asked what superhero I'd like to be. 


What is your spirit animal? 

A dog. I'm very protective of my girls and the same of my students. I will always be there for them, and I am loyal.


Is there a quote or saying you live your life by? 

Live, love, laugh.


What is your favorite Herod memory? 

Every year I have a new memory. I love field day and I love watching my students enjoy that day.