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Herod Hero :: Mrs. Atkinson

10/16/2023 8:14 pm

This week we caught up with Mrs. Atkinson who this year has moved upstairs to join the 4th grade team! If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Atkinson, you are in for a real treat! She is a true Herod gem, spreading her kindness and genuine love for education to all her students and families. We are so lucky to have her as part of our orange and blue Herod family. PTO LOVES YOU Mrs. Atkinson! 


What is your hidden talent?  
My hidden talent is making desserts.


What is your dream vacation?  

My dream vacation would include visiting every state in the U.S. and then FRANCE!!

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? (Besides donating a portion of it to Herod PTO)(Yes!)

If I won the lottery, I would definitely donate a large portion to help others. I would retire and just enjoy being a senior citizen.  

What Herod teachers' class would you like to be a student in for a day?  

If I were a student for a day, I would like to attend all of the Specials. STEM, Music, P.E., Library and Art.


In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted? 


What is your spirit animal? 

My spirit animal (fowl) is a hummingbird. 

Is there a quote or saying you live your life by? 
One of many favorite quotes: "If you give a man a fish you only feed him for the day, but if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime."

What is your favorite Herod memory?  

Gosh, there are so many but if I had to choose just one it would be 20-21 school year.