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11/12/2023 8:41 pm

I'm not sure you can be a Herod Jet without knowing the original Kindergarten Queen, the Leader of the Crayola Pack and our very favorite Teacher Liaison Herod PTO Executive Member, Mrs. Melancon!!! Herod has had the pleasure of this amazing woman holding down the first floor on Jason street for 20 years! She has touched the life of every single Jet that has come through the front doors and loves Herod, and everyone inside of that building with ever fiber of her being. We are pretty sure there is no one better than Mrs. Melancon caring for, educating and loving all of our Herod Jets. PTO LOVES YOU MELANCON! {and truly appreciates your PTO Board service}


What is your hidden talent? 

My hidden talent is being the most stylist teacher on the planet.


What is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is to travel to the Maldives. 


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? (Besides donating a portion of it to Herod PTO)

Of course if I would win the lottery I would donate to the Herod PTO!! After that I would open my very own Early Childhood Center.


What Herod teachers class would you like to be a student in for a day? 

I would love to be in Ms. Harris 5th grade math class for a day! Ms. Harris could teach me a thing or two.


In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?



What is your spirit animal?



Is there a quote or saying you live your life by? 

"A good education can change anyone but a good teacher can change everything"


What is your favorite Herod memory? 

Wow I have so many fond memories here on Jason Street...I love the fact that I get to watch my babies grow, go, and come back home to visit the little old lady on Jason Street!!