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10/6/2024 1:56 pm

What grade do you teach?


How long have your been a teacher? 
22 years


Are you a morning or night person? Why?
I am a morning person because that's when I'm most active and creative.


What type of food would you NEVER eat?
Anything rich with lactose (creamy foods)


What is your favorite sport to watch and/or play?
Watch football


What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
Friday because the weekend is here!


What do you do in your free time?
Spending time with family, crafting, reading, baking, gardening


Which subject in school is your favorite? Why?
Reading because it allowed me to explore interesting characters and new places.


What is one goal you have for yourself at Herod?
To support reading teachers in achieving growth as measured by the MAP test.


What do you think makes a good teacher?
Patience and wisdom 


What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
Christmas with family


Where do you like to vacation?
In sunny places with no humidity


What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
I'm really tall (on the inside)


What is one of your hidden talents?
I love creative writing


What has been your favorite teaching moment?
Anytime I see my students reading for the first time and they realize a door has opened to the world.