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12/15/2024 1:40 pm

What grade do you teach?
Multi Grade


How long have your been a teacher?
28 yrs


Are you a morning or night person?


What type of food would you NEVER eat?
I'd never say never- I'd try anything once!


What is your favorite sport to watch and/or play?
I enjoy watching them all, but back in the day I played them all too!  


What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
I can appreciate a Friday!  Gives me time to decompress and think.  


What do you do in your free time?
Clean, watch tv at night, hang with husband and kids, fish and always look for new and interesting places to eat!


Which subject in school is your favorite? Why?
P.E. - duh!


What is one goal you have for yourself at Herod?
To retire from the beautiful space that I once attended as a child!


What do you think makes a good teacher?
patience, thinking outside the box to reach a student, firm, but with love attitude and a nice treasure chest full of incentives.  


What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
Extended family Mother's Day weekend at a bay home.  


Where do you like to vacation?
Water!!!  Mainly salt....


What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
I've got some mean dance moves......haha!  Naaaaa We tournament fish and have 4 animals and now a pet goat for FFA


What is one of your hidden talents?
I am able to speak Spanish.


What has been your favorite teaching moment?
When student's I have taught in the past, come back to see me or reach out via email.