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1/5/2025 2:33 pm
What grade do you teach?
5th Grade Math
How long have your been a teacher?
This will be my 10th year of teaching, but my first of elementary.
Are you a morning or night person? Why?
I would consider myself a morning person because I have two small children, so when they rev up, so must I!
What type of food would you NEVER eat?
I would not eat a meal that is from an endangered animal...
What is your favorite sport to watch and/or play?
I love watching baseball, and enjoy MMA and kickboxing as a way to stay active.
What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
Tuesdays are my favorite because I think the reality of the week has set in, Monday is over with, and I am ready to really face the week.
What do you do in your free time?
I love gardening, going biking with my family, hiking, and making delicious memories and food with my children. I also love learning more about cyber security and completing and participating in various cyber conferences to keep up with my CPEs for my certifications.
Which subject in school is your favorite? Why?
My favorite subjects in school were my science and English classes because I love discovery and application of experiments and the math involved in chemistry for example, and the ability to express myself through writing, as well as learning about new authors and genres.
What is one goal you have for yourself at Herod?
While I am Herod I would love to sponsor a student club centered around Cyber Security because this is an important facet of the digital world that I believe all students should be aware of, especially to consider future careers.
What do you think makes a good teacher?
I think a good teacher is someone who never stops learning!
What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
One tradition I enjoy is setting goals on New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight.
Where do you like to vacation?
I love backpacking in the mountains and cannot wait to take my children camping for their first time in our gorgeous national parks like Yosemite and Glacier.
What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
Students might be surprised to learn I conquered my fear of being on a boat and now I LOVE sailing. I even have a goal to complete a race from Kemah to Port Aransas one day.
What is one of your hidden talents?
I am really good at researching and finding information quickly when needed.
What has been your favorite teaching moment?
My favorite teaching moments have been when I see students interact with each other over their understanding of the task, talking about how it can be done differently, what steps should be done first, and even arguing about what they believe is the correct answer. I also love seeing them congratulate each and cheer each other on, especially when they know the other person had trouble with the content at the beginning.